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Menschen beim Feiern

Declaration of Human Rights



MAKA Systems is one of the world's leading machine and plant manufacturers with strong expertise in the areas of automation and digitization/Industry 4.0. Our products, systems and services enable highly efficient and resource-saving manufacturing processes in various industries. We supply sectors such as the automotive industry, mechanical engineering, metal composites and woodworking. MAKA Systems has around 150 employees and has 3 locations in Germany and China.


As a global company, we respect human rights, as laid down in the United Nations (UN) Declaration of Human Rights, for example. With over 600 suppliers, it is our goal to prevent human rights violations in our global value chain and to promote fair working conditions. We treat our employees, suppliers and business partners with respect and create structures for responsible value creation.



This Human Rights Policy Statement describes our approach to complying with our corporate human rights due diligence. It contains binding principles for respecting human rights and fair working conditions and forms the basis of our social responsibility throughout our entire value chain.


This policy statement supplements our Group-wide code of conduct, our health and safety policy, and our environment and climate policy. It affirms and specifies our corporate duty of care for human rights towards our employees, suppliers and business partners in particular and towards society in general.


We regularly review the Policy Statement for validity and update it as necessary.



MAKA Systems is committed to respecting human rights and promoting fair working conditions - this applies in particular to dealings with its own employees and direct suppliers. As far as we can, we are committed to implementing these principles with indirect suppliers and other business partners. We are committed to treating our employees, business partners and other stakeholders, such as investors, the media, politicians, local communities and NGOs with respect.



In the course of our business activities, we always act according to the maxim of neither causing nor contributing to human rights violations. We always encourage our employees to act according to the principles listed from page 10 onwards. These principles apply worldwide to the members of the supervisory board and comparable supervisory bodies, members of the executive board and management, executives and all employees of MAKA Systems. They also apply to temporary employees, i.e. to people who are functionally equivalent to the employees of MAKA Systems.


If the local law at our locations has specific human or labor rights requirements, these apply. The principles of this declaration then apply in addition, even if they voluntarily go beyond the local legal requirements.



MAKA Systems expects unrestricted compliance with human rights from business partners. Our Supplier Code of Conduct, among other things, applies to our direct suppliers. It is a binding part of the contract and a basic requirement for working together. Non-compliance with our human rights principles can be a reason for MAKA Systems to take appropriate legal action. In particular, MAKA Systems reserves the right to terminate the business relationship in the event of a serious or repeated violation of our human rights principles. Such steps may be waived if the business partner credibly assures and can prove that he has immediately taken countermeasures to avoid future violations. With the help of ourCode of Conductfor suppliers, we instruct our direct suppliers to also pass on our expectations to our indirect suppliers



MAKA Systems respects human rights and acts in accordance with the principles of responsible corporate governance.


The following frameworks are relevant for us:


  • UN Human Rights Charter

  • UN Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights

  • Core labor standards of the International Labor Organization (ILO: International Labor Organization)

  • OECD Guidelines for Multinational Enterprises

  • Ten principles of the UN Global Compact

  • Charter of Fundamental Rights of the European Union

  • International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights

  • International Covenant on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights


We also support the UN's 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development. In connection with our business activities and corporate strategy, we have identified eight Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs):


  • SDG 4: Quality education

  • SDG 8: Decent work and economic growth

  • SDG 9: Industry, Innovation and Infrastructure

  • SDG 10: Reduced inequalities

  • SDG 12: Responsible consumption and production

  • SDG 13: Measures to protect the climate

  • SDG 16: Peace, Justice and Strong Institutions

  • SDG 17: Partnerships to achieve the goals


We are systematically expanding our contribution to the SDGs by continuously improving our business practices and products, taking advantage of new opportunities and at the same time effectively limiting any negative impact on human rights.



Overall responsibility for human rights and environmental care lies with the Management Board of Maka Systems. The Corporate Human Resources, Sustainable Supply Chain and Corporate Sustainability departments are primarily responsible for implementing the duty of care. They are supported by the Corporate Compliance and Corporate Legal departments. The Corporate Human Resources department is responsible for the worldwide coordination of measures to respect human rights and for fair working conditions within MAKA Systems. Processes for maintaining due diligence within our supply chain are defined, implemented and tracked by the cross-divisional area "Sustainable Supply Chain". The corporate sustainability department provides support in coordinating and dealing with human rights issues.


The implementation and verification of compliance with our human rights and environmental duty of care is accompanied and supported throughout the group by the human rights officer at MAKA Systems. The Human Rights Officer is part of the Corporate Sustainability department. It informs the Executive Board and the MAKA Systems Management  Board regularly (at least  once a year) on current human rights issues and any incidents.


All employees at  MAKA Systems are required to follow the principles of human rights in this statement. The respective management of the group companies is responsible for the local implementation of and compliance with the due diligence requirements and principles set out here.



MAKA Systems is aware that its business activities can contain potential risks with negative effects on human rights and the environment. Annually and as required, we examine the possible negative effects of our business activities on the people who are connected to one of our business areas, our products or services as a result of a business relationship. The findings from the risk analysis serve as a basis for defining effective preventive and remedial measures.


In our investigation, we focus in particular on the following groups of people in our value chain who could potentially be negatively affected by the business activities of MAKA Systems:


  • Own employees of MAKA Systems at all locations worldwide including trainees, interns, working students, trainees and employees with fixed-term contracts

  • Employees of our direct suppliers of production and non-production materials

  • Employees of direct service providers including employees with work contracts and contractors

  • members of local communities

  • Residents near our locations


As part of our human rights and environmental risk management, we identify actual and potential adverse impacts on human rights and the environment for our own business and for our supply chain.


We determine human rights and environmental risks at key Group companies using a questionnaire. As a result, we define focus topics to which we align our preventive and remedial measures.


In the risk analysis for our suppliers, we proceed in two steps:


  1. Abstract consideration of risks in our supply chain

  2. We assess human rights and environmental risks based on their severity and likelihood of occurrence. In addition, we prioritize the results of the assessment with regard to our ability to influence the respective risk issue. As a result, we have defined focus topics that we will prioritize in future when working with suppliers *The number of employees and the location are decisive for the materiality.


Concrete identification of risks in our supply chain


Based on country-specific indices, we carry out a risk classification of the countries of origin of our direct suppliers and derive risk countries from this. We then look at our suppliers from a certain annual purchasing volume for each risk country.



MAKA Systems implements preventive and remedial measures to avoid human rights and environmental risks as far as its sphere of influence allows.


In order to avoid negative consequences of our actions on human rights, we train and sensitize our employees to our corporate values and principles. The training content is based on our risk analysis and will be adjusted as required. We hold online safety training courses that are mandatory for all employees. They consist of a basic part for new employees and an annual refresher course. Sustainability training is part of our onboarding process for new employees and will be gradually expanded. In order to prepare prospective managers for their future role and role model function, they receive in-depth training on various aspects of sustainability, such as human rights and the environment. In purchasing, we build up knowledge and skills on key human rights issues through regular procurement colleges. Direct suppliers in risk countries receive special basic training on our understanding of sustainability and social and ethical responsibility. In our purchasing practices, we take social and ecological criteria into account by evaluating how our suppliers deal with human rights and the environment and selecting suitable suppliers on this basis.




  • Training on the code of conduct of MAKA Systems

  • Training on our corporate values and principles

  • compliance training

  • Sustainability training for new employees as part of the onboarding process

  • Basic and advanced training courses on occupational safety and health protection

  • Regular refresher training




  • Binding signing of our code of conduct for suppliers as a prerequisite for cooperation

  • Code of Conduct for Suppliers as a binding part of our contract terms

  • Supplier training courses on human rights and social and ecological sustainability

  • Definition of social and ecological minimum criteria for direct suppliers

  • Selection and evaluation of suppliers based on social and ecological criteria

  • Feedback discussions and definition of corrective measures for suppliers with anomalies

  • Supplier audits with a focus on human rights and environmental aspects

  • Exclusion of suppliers from procurement processes if they do not meet specified minimum social and ecological criteria


We continuously analyze the risks and effects of possible human rights violations and derive appropriate measures with which we can fulfill our human rights due diligence as best as possible. In order to check the effectiveness of our preventive and remedial measures, we carry out regular and ad hoc internal compliance audits and follow up relevant indications of possible violations of human rights.


We reduce the risk of human rights violations at our suppliers with regular and ad hoc on-site audits. In the event of irregularities, we define individual corrective measures with time specifications together with the supplier concerned and check compliance with them.



Cases of human rights violations and serious misconduct must be reported so that they can be appropriately punished and prevented in the future. Information on violations of human rights and possible misconduct

– including the specifications of our code of conduct and the code of conduct for suppliers – can be reported to MAKA Systems at any time, also anonymously. We encourage both employees of all group companies and explicitly external parties, in particular employees of our direct and indirect suppliers, to make use of the MAKA Systems Integrity Line if there are concrete indications.



You have the option of using our for your referencereporting systemto use.

Alternatively, you can contact our Compliance Officer with your request:


MAKA Systems GmbH 
At the black ditch 8
89278 Nersingen


MAKA Systems geht allen Hinweisen und Meldungen zu Menschenrechtsverletzungen und   möglichem   Fehlverhalten nach und behandelt diese vertraulich und briskly. We assess each report individually and take appropriate action on an individual basis.


MAKA Systems does not tolerate discrimination or retaliation against the person who has reported it - even if the report later turns out to be unfounded. Employees, suppliers and business partners of MAKA Systems as well as third parties must reckon with the consequences if they subject informing persons to reprisals.



In the following publications, we report transparently on our activities to respect human rights and on the perception of our social responsibility:


  • Annual report as part of the non-financial statement

  • sustainability report

  • Progress report (Communication on Progress) on the implementation of the ten principles of the UN Global Compact


As part of our corporate due diligence and in accordance with the German Supply Chain Due Diligence Act (LkSG), we continuously document our human rights risk management process internally. We provide information annually on our human rights-related risk analysis, preventive and remedial measures and the review of their effects.


The process we use to ensure that we carry out our human rights due diligence is continually being improved. We therefore regularly review the process against the background of the development of our business activities as well as national and international laws and standards. If necessary, we adjust our process and our policy statement accordingly.



We regard the principles listed below, together with their structure, as a prerequisite for our entrepreneurial activity. They apply in addition to our code of conduct.



We reject any form of child labor without exception.


At MAKA Systems, we ensure compliance with the minimum age for regular employment in accordance with the applicable national regulations and do not employ children below the legal minimum age


We ensure that our employees under the age of 18 do not work nights or overtime and are protected from working conditions3 that are harmful to their health, safety and development.


Without exception, we also require our suppliers to comply with the ban on the employment of children below the legal minimum age. Young workers under the age of 18 should not work nights or overtime and should be protected from working conditions4 that are harmful to their health, safety and development. In addition, we require that the tasks of the young employees do not interfere with their school attendance.




We reject any form of forced or compulsory labor and are firmly committed to the prohibition of human trafficking and modern slavery5.


Trafficking in human beings is the recruitment, transport or accommodation of people under (threats of) force, fraud or deception, with labor exploitation as a possible target. Labor exploitation involves forced labor and underpayment.


Employment relationships in the MAKA system are fundamentally based on a voluntary basis and can be terminated subject to compliance with the applicable notice period6.



We act in accordance with applicable laws and international standards7 in relation to health and safety at work and ensure safe working conditions.


We are committed to creating and shaping a safe, secure and healthy work environment. Our aim is to protect and promote the safety and health of all people affected by the business activities of MAKA Systems. To work accidents and occupational diseases 

To avoid this, we ensure a  safe  work environment and promote preventive measures to maintain health. Safety regulations and practices apply both to employees of MAka Systems and to external employees under contract.


please refer:

2 ILO Convention No. 138

3 ILO Convention No. 182

4 ILO Convention No. 182

5 ILO Conventions No. 29, No. 105 and 2014 Protocol to the Forced Labor Convention

6 National statutory notice period or collective agreement or employment contract

7 Examples are the ILO labor and social standards, the social accountability standard SA8000 or the occupational health and safety management system ISO 45001 of the International Organization for Standardization



MAKA Systems recognizes the right of its employees to engage in legitimate employee interest groups, to conduct collective bargaining to regulate working conditions and – depending on applicable law – to go on strike. We make it possible for our employees to gather and unite peacefully, especially in the political, trade union and civil society spheres. We also expect the same from our suppliers and business partners.



We foster an inclusive culture where diversity is valued and accepted and everyone can achieve their full potential. This relates to employees and business partners with different nationalities, cultures, religions and views of life.


We ensure equal opportunities and equal treatment in the workplace. We treat all people and groups equally, regardless of personal or genetic characteristics, including gender, skin color, nationality, ethnic or social origin, language, religion or belief, political or other opinion, membership of a group national minority, property, birth, disability, age or sexual orientation. We do not tolerate discrimination, sexual harassment, corporal punishment, psychological or physical coercion or verbal abuse, or sexual abuse.



We align the remuneration according to the applicable laws, supplemented by the relevant national minimum wage laws and are based on the respective national labor market. We pay attention to an appropriate remuneration on a contractual basis. We provide our employees with clear, detailed and regular information about the composition of their wages.



We see transparent, written employment contracts as the basis of an employment relationship. We stand for fair working conditions and comply with the applicable national laws and international labor standards with regard to the maximum permissible working hours and holiday regulations. We ensure that the working time (including overtime) does not exceed the relevant maximum limit permitted by law. We generally grant our employees at least one day off every seven days.

8 ILO Conventions No. 89 and No. 98



Our goal is to reduce greenhouse gas emissions and to keep the impact of our business activities on people and the environment as low as possible - at our own locations and in our global supply chain. To protect the environment, we strive to reduce energy consumption at all of our sites. With our climate strategy, we have set ourselves scientifically validated climate goals for the year 2030 and are taking comprehensive measures to reduce greenhouse gas emissions. To this end, we also involve our suppliers and support them in reducing greenhouse gas emissions. professionally. As far as possible, we avoid a negative impact on access to the natural basis for the preservation and production of food and clean drinking water.



Through the responsible use of natural resources, we make our contribution to keeping the burden on people and the environment as low as possible. In our own business activities, we adhere to the ban on bringing about harmful soil changes, water pollution, air pollution, noise emissions or excessive water consumption and expect the same from our suppliers. We reduce and dispose of our waste.


Nersingen, February 2023

Ruijun Yang CEO of MAKA Systems

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